The Lighter Side: “Well Suited”
“The Lighter Side” is a monthly series of cartoons by veterinarian and cartoonist, Greg Bishop, DVM, that highlights the humorous and light-hearted perspectives in the world of animals and veterinary care.
“The Lighter Side” is a monthly series of cartoons by veterinarian and cartoonist, Greg Bishop, DVM, that highlights the humorous and light-hearted perspectives in the world of animals and veterinary care.
No matter where you are, your veterinary practice may be at risk of being damaged, destroyed, or temporarily closed at some point due to a natural disaster. Learn how you can prepare your practice for such occurrence.
“The biggest threat to the veterinary psyche is not over the death of animals. It has more to do with their humans.”
Merck Animal Health’s 4th Veterinary Wellbeing Study indicates an increase in clinics supporting their team’s mental health and emotional well-being
Addressing and reducing the numerous burdens associated with long-term care plan can help improve the quality of life of the owner, the pet, and the veterinarian involved.
The wellness initiative is aimed at providing veterinarian technicians a new space for relaxation, recharging, and connecting with colleagues.
“Treat pets like its parent is right there looking over your shoulder.”
Although a license complaint from their state’s veterinary board is among the few things every veterinarian fears more than almost any other professional calamity, it is rare for veterinarians to lose licensure as a result of a complaint.