
Caution: Eight moral hazards to beware of in vet life

While the ways in which we can morally and ethically stray can look vastly different depending on our role, it is undoubtedly true those with the most responsibility experience the greatest exposure to veterinary moral hazards. Dr. Patty Khuly addresses eight of the most common moral scenarios that put you behind the 8-ball.

Common Avian Emergencies

In this session: Pet birds and backyard chickens often present at emergency with advanced disease as birds commonly hide signs of early illness, consistent with most prey species. Olivia Petritz, DVM, DACZM, reviews common avian emergencies including hemorrhage, seizures, cloacal prolapses, and dyspnea via case examples in parrots and chickens

Rabbits in General Practice: Breaking the ‘Exotic’ Spell

In this session: Veronica Gventsadze, DVM, MA, PhD’s course will benefit all team members of a general practice that wants to open its doors to rabbits. Attendees will learn about the rewards of serving rabbit-owning clients, with an emphasis on defining and following each team member’s role and of working in unison, with the understanding that these roles and responsibilities can evolve as the team gains experience.

Tech Talk: Do you embrace or haze new employees?

These new employees come with horror stories to eventually be shared with us once they feel a tiny sliver of comfort. We draw them out piece by piece, encouraging them to talk to us and share their past. In part of us getting to know them, we learn about their previous experiences and can in some way relate to them with stories of our own or provide reassurances that their new clinic is in no way the same as their old one.

Addressing vertebral column diseases of French bulldogs

Within veterinary neurology, there is increasing awareness and concern over the neurologic conditions observed in French bulldogs. One in five French bulldogs develops at least one neurologic problem during its life. Susan A. Arnold, DVM, DACVIM (Neurology) presents a deep dive on vertebral column diseases in French bulldogs.

Video series: testicular block, ovarian block, and diffusion cathetor Managing pain for better surgical outcomes

In the October issue of Veterinary Practice News, Michael Petty, DVM, addressed how local blocks can be used to prevent pain in spay and neuter procedures. You can read the full article here. He also shared three videos to demonstrate his technique. They, along with some related text from the article for each video, appear below.

The procedure: orchidectomy

In either a dog or cat, the method is the same. After an alcohol prep, the …

Laser Therapy Master Class: Inflammation and Beyond

In this session: Laser therapy has been used in medicine for a long time, yet in the last decade there has been an explosion of pertinent research. Laurie McCauley, DVM, DACVSMR, CCRT, CVA, CVC, addresses the physiologic effects laser has on the body and move on to look at how and when to use laser therapy, from treating cancer, osteoarthritis, asthma, and so much more. From traumatic brain injuries to a tooth abscess, she will share insight on more ways to utilize your laser with solid research thrown in for fun.

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