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Examining brain diseases in French bulldogs

This article is the second of a two-part series detailing neurologic diseases in French bulldogs. Of the various conditions that can cause encephalopathies in dogs, those seen in higher frequencies in French bulldogs include otitis media-interna and resultant otogenic meningoencephalitis, meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology, and high-grade gliomas.

The hot topic it’s easy to forget—anesthetic hypothermia

Get a closer look at the causes, implications, and available solutions through comprehensive management strategies aimed at ensuring positive patient outcomes. From pre-warming techniques to using specialized warming devices, recent insights and advancements in animal anesthesia can provide veterinary professionals with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of hypothermia prevention and treatment.

Time to Tick Talk

In this session: Ruth Scimera, VMD, MSc, PhD, DACVM-Parasitology, reviews several different tick-borne diseases in dogs and cats with an emphasis in clinical diagnostic challenges and treatment options.

Caution: Eight moral hazards to beware of in vet life

While the ways in which we can morally and ethically stray can look vastly different depending on our role, it is undoubtedly true those with the most responsibility experience the greatest exposure to veterinary moral hazards. Dr. Patty Khuly addresses eight of the most common moral scenarios that put you behind the 8-ball.

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