Author name: Castillo, Therese

Failing to pass the NAVLE: What happens next?

If you fail the NAVLE, you do not get a veterinary license. Period. In some states, you can secure a temporary or conditional license until you do pass (you get five tries in five years and can appeal to get one more try thereafter). In others, you can practice only under direct supervision while technically without an active license.

Lightening up the conversation on obesity

The perceived resistance of clients in discussing obesity is mostly rooted in how veterinary professionals decide to approach the conversation. Fortunately, research tells us how we can increase the odds of pet owner compliance.

Unmasking allergy mimickers

When evaluating challenging allergy cases, it is important to keep in mind there are several, nonallergic skin diseases that can mimic the clinical signs of allergies and may require very different treatment plans.

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