Author name: Ashenhurst, Samantha

AI aids in precision treatment for cancer

This year, approximately six million dogs will be diagnosed with cancer. Although the incidence of canine cancer is nearly three times higher than human cancer, veterinarians have far fewer tools at their disposal to effectively treat their patients.

Canine seizure med OKed by FDA

Phenobarbital tablets (Fidoquel-CA1, Genus Lifesciences, Inc.) have been grated conditional approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the control of seizures in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy.

How best to survive a license complaint

Although a license complaint from their state’s veterinary board is among the few things every veterinarian fears more than almost any other professional calamity, it is rare for veterinarians to lose licensure as a result of a complaint.

Genomics is too important to ignore

Genomics is simply the study of DNA’s effects on and interactions with all the other systems within a biological organism. What makes this field especially exciting right now is the sheer number of breakthroughs and practical applications making their way into human medical practice—and slowly but surely into veterinary practices.

Five techniques to utilize regional anesthesia

Analgesia is a critical component of veterinary medicine, and its use is essential to providing high-quality medical care for animals. In addition to making a pre-anesthetic plan, regional anesthesia/analgesia is an important part of balanced anesthesia in veterinary medicine. Regional analgesia involves using local anesthetics to block specific nerve pathways in a specific area of the body.

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