The ‘write’ stuff for your clinic blog

Writing compelling blog posts can drive clients to your website to learn more about your veterinary practice.
Writing compelling blog posts can drive clients to your website to learn more about your practice.

Blogging can be a powerful tool for veterinary practices to connect with clients, share their expertise, and establish their online presence. However, starting a blog from scratch can be daunting for newbies. There are many things to consider, from choosing a platform to creating engaging content, and promoting the blog to your target audience.

Writing compelling blog posts and promoting them will drive clients to your website to learn more about pet care and your practice. Most veterinarians have a website but are new to blogging and want to start writing posts to improve their existing blog. This guide will provide the information you need to succeed.

Creating content

One of the most important aspects of blogging for veterinary practice websites is creating high-quality content that engages your target audience. To do this, you will need to define your target audience and understand their interests and needs. Doing so will help you choose blog topics relevant and interesting to your readers. For example, you might write about common pet health issues, tips for pet care, or the latest advancements in veterinary medicine. You should also write posts that answer the frequently asked questions from clients you see in the practice.

Once you have chosen your topic, it is essential to approach your writing in an informative and engaging way. Use a conversational tone and avoid overly technical language that might confuse your readers. Break up your content into shorter paragraphs and use headings, bullet points, and images to make it easier to read.

Plenty of veterinarians decide to take on the task of writing their own blog articles, drawing from their expertise and experiences. Once they have crafted their content, they team up with a dependable colleague who takes care of the editing and publishing processes. This collaborative approach is particularly useful in busy veterinary practices, where everyone has a lot on their plate. By dividing the labor, not only does it ensure the content is well-written and professionally presented, but it also helps maintain a steady flow of blog posts.

Ensure your content is original and valuable to your readers. Do not be afraid to share your personal experiences or unique insights to make your blog posts stand out. By following these tips, you can create content that will keep your readers returning for more.

Writing effective headings for readers and SEO

Blog post headings are hidden gems, serving a dual purpose for reader experience and search engine optimization (SEO).

For readers, headings provide a visual cue that helps break up the text and make it easier to read. It allows readers to quickly skim through the content and find information they need and want. By organizing your content into smaller sections, readers can quickly determine if the content is relevant to their interests and decide whether to read the entire post.

This can be done by using descriptive headings that accurately reflect the content of each section and using relevant keywords whenever possible. Use bulleted or numbered lists and images to make your content visually appealing and engaging. Subheadings are an effective tool for improving the readability and structure of your blog posts while also helping to optimize your content for search engines. Be sure to use them wisely and effectively in your blog posts.

For SEO, headings help search engines understand the structure and content of your blog post. Search engines such as Google use complex algorithms to analyze the content of a webpage and determine how to rank it in search results. Headings provide an organizational structure to your content, which search engines use to understand what your blog post is about.

Headings should be used to clearly and accurately describe the content of each section, using relevant keywords whenever possible. By using descriptive headings accurately reflecting the content of the post, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search results for relevant search queries.

Your rankings will suffer if the search engines find your titles confusing or misleading. Jesse Davis, CEO of ViziSites, shared his thoughts on the importance of headers: “The first reason is related to user experience. Headers help organize the content into navigable sections, so readers find relevant information. This technique allows us to guide the reader through the content in a digestible way. The second is to ensure your headers are relevant to the topic users search for. This gives the search engines clarity on what your page is about.”

Get the word out

Promoting your blog is crucial to driving traffic to your veterinary practice website and building a loyal readership. One effective way to promote your blog is through social media. Share your blog posts on your practice’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, and encourage your followers to like, comment, and share your content.

You can also promote your blog by building relationships with other industry partners in the veterinary industry. Look for opportunities to guest post on other blogs or invite others to post on your blog. This can help you reach a wider audience and build credibility as an expert in your field. Make it easy for your readers to subscribe to your blog by including a sign-up form on your website and sending out regular newsletters that feature your latest blog posts.

By promoting your blog consistently and effectively, you can increase traffic to your website and establish your veterinary practice as a thought leader in the industry. If you are unsure how to do this, connect with your website administrator and ask them to set it up for you. Be sure to ask that the generated subscriber list is easy to find and export. You can use this list in the future for emailing other news or updates from the practice.

Blogging can be a valuable tool for veterinary practices looking to connect with clients and future clients, share your expertise, and build your online presence. Following the tips and best practices can help you start a successful blog that engages your target audience, drives traffic to your website, and establishes your practice as a thought leader in the industry. With a little effort and consistency, your veterinary practice’s blog can become an invaluable resource for your clients and a powerful marketing tool for your business.


Consider these essential elements when writing a blog post for your practice:

  • Title: A clear and attention-grabbing title should be descriptive, engaging, and relevant to your topic. It is the first thing readers will see, so make sure it is compelling. Consider things that worry or intrigue pet owners.
  • An introduction that hooks the reader: Your introduction should provide a brief overview of what your blog post will cover and should entice the reader to keep reading.
  • Subheadings: Break up your article into smaller, more manageable sections using subheadings. This will make it easier for readers to skim and find the information they need.
  • Images and other media: Including images, videos, or other media can help break up the text and make your blog post more visually appealing. Be careful to use media that is license-free or you have created yourself.
  • Clear and concise writing: Keep your writing simple and straight to the point. Avoid using jargon or overly complicated language that might confuse your readers.
  • Call to action: At the end of your blog post, include a call to action encouraging readers to engage with your practice, such as booking an appointment or following you on social media.
  • Links to other relevant content: Include links to other blog posts or pages on your website that provide more information on the topic discussed. This is great if you write a series on cat health or common ailments found in older pets and connect related articles to keep your reader on your website longer, learning more about their pet and your practice.
  • Author bio: Include a brief bio of yourself or your veterinary practice at the end of your blog post. This will help establish your credibility and expertise on the topic.

Rhonda Bell, CVPM, CCFP, PCM-Digital, CDMP is the founder of Dog Days Consulting, a company specializing in social media and brand management. With 15 years of experience as a practice manager in the veterinary field, Bell has firsthand knowledge of the challenges and rewards of working in this profession, including communication dilemmas and wonders. Her focus now is on assisting veterinary practices to succeed online and providing coaching to team members to develop skills that can enhance their careers.

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