VetCE Virtual

Fine-tuning YOUR Dentistry in General Practice

In this session: Wendi Rensman, CVT, VTS (Dentistry) covers an in-depth look at normal clinical anatomy and radiographic anatomy to help viewers identify findings that may be abnormal. She also discusss ways we can practice better for ourselves, such as ergonomics, instrumentation, proper PEE, and how it contributes to better patient care.

Fine-tuning YOUR Dentistry in General Practice

In this session: Wendi Rensman, CVT, VTS (Dentistry) covers an in-depth look at normal clinical anatomy and radiographic anatomy to help viewers identify findings that may be abnormal. She also discusss ways we can practice better for ourselves, such as ergonomics, instrumentation, proper PEE, and how it contributes to better patient care.

It’s More Than Missing Teeth: Recognizing Dental and Oral Abnormalities

In this session: Denise Rollings, LVT, will help you take your dental charting to the next level. Learn to recognize the normal anatomy and learn abnormal dental and oral pathology. Oral pathology is often misdiagnosed and underdiagnosed due to lack of recognition. Once one can recognize what is abnormal in the mouth, correct charting may be completed. The proper treatment options for commonly seen pathology are discussed and described. Abbreviations according to the American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC) are used for commonly seen pathology and are discussed.

Complications of Dental Extractions: How to Avoid and Treat Them

John Lewis, VMD, DAVCD (Dentistry) discusses the most common complications associated with dental extractions, including retrieving broken root tips, displaced roots into the nasal passage and mandibular canal, sialoceles, and iatrogenic mandibular fractures. This webinar also addresses how to avoid these complications and how to treat them when they do occur.

Are Veterinary Diets Really Too Expensive? Effective Cost Conversations

This session by Jackie Parr, BScH, DVM, MSc, DACVIM (Nutrition), includes how to customize the client conversations about veterinary diets to the individual pet, which is critical, by focusing on the value to the pet. Veterinary teams can be trained to utilize existing resources to ease those cost conversations and to apply these learnings to common scenarios in small animal veterinary practice, including elimination diet trials and effective weight loss plans.

Battling the Bulge: Strategies for Managing Obesity in Veterinary Patients

In this session, attendees will review current statistics of obesity in dogs and cats including prevalence, contributing factors, and comorbidities. Sarah Wooten, DVM, CVJ, will review the endocrine and inflammatory components of obesity, as well as how to use tools to diagnose obesity. Attendees will also learn how to estimate ideal body weight, calculate RER and amount to feed to achieve ideal weight. We will also cover, important factors in weight loss diets, how to choose the right food, and how to prevent obesity in the first place. Lastly, attendees will be given a 6-step process to easily guide your clients through a successful weight loss program.

Managing Canine Atopic Dermatitis With More Joy and Less Frustration

Valerie Fadok, DVM, PhD, Dipl ACVD, focuses on the keys to success in managing atopic dermatitis. They are developing a proactive treatment plan and providing tools to empower clients. Atopic dermatitis is a forever disease; while we can’t cure it, we can manage it well. We need to set realistic expectations with our clients, and partner with them to improve quality of life for themselves and their pets.

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