Practice Management

Lightening up the conversation on obesity

The perceived resistance of clients in discussing obesity is mostly rooted in how veterinary professionals decide to approach the conversation. Fortunately, research tells us how we can increase the odds of pet owner compliance.

Selling services without being a used car salesperson

Used car salespeople get a bad rap. We all know they are just trying to make a living, but that does not keep almost every young veterinarian from invoking this simile when faced with the prospect of proposing expensive pet care. They find it hard to shake the feeling price may determine whether a patient lives or dies—we all do.

Selling services without being a used car salesperson

Used car salespeople get a bad rap. We all know they are just trying to make a living, but that does not keep almost every young veterinarian from invoking this simile when faced with the prospect of proposing expensive pet care. They find it hard to shake the feeling price may determine whether a patient lives or dies—we all do.

FTC noncompete ban: A vet’s perspective

Veterinarians can now freely transition between employers or start their own practices without the fear of legal repercussions. This change opens a range of career opportunities, including full-time roles, part-time engagements, and gig work.

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