Pain management

Euthanasia Without Pain: It Can Be Done

In this session: Kathleen Cooney, DVM, CHPV, CCFP, and the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA) lays the foundation for a pain-free passing each and every time. Special focus given to dogs and cats, though subthemes will emerge for all species. Let’s say “goodbye” to pain during death.

Implementing AAHA-guided senior care

Staged senior healthcare plans, with the outcomes of maintaining quality of life (QOL), human-animal bond, and shared decision-making with the pet owner, can allow for proactive strategies for individual senior dog or cat needs.

A look at fluid stewardship

IV fluids are commonly used to stabilize hospitalized patients. When used properly, they replace fluids and electrolytes and help patients heal. Otherwise, it can be dangerous and fatal.

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