
The hot topic it’s easy to forget—anesthetic hypothermia

Get a closer look at the causes, implications, and available solutions through comprehensive management strategies aimed at ensuring positive patient outcomes. From pre-warming techniques to using specialized warming devices, recent insights and advancements in animal anesthesia can provide veterinary professionals with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of hypothermia prevention and treatment.

Time to Tick Talk

In this session: Ruth Scimera, VMD, MSc, PhD, DACVM-Parasitology, reviews several different tick-borne diseases in dogs and cats with an emphasis in clinical diagnostic challenges and treatment options.

Efficacy of cannabinoids in veterinary medicine

Although the use of cannabinoids, particularly CBD-rich hemp products, is in its infancy in veterinary medicine, there appears to be optimism regarding its utilization concurrently with other therapeutics for a range of disorders, including epileptic seizure control, pain associated with osteoarthritis, and atopic dermatitis.

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