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October pet- and vet-related calendar

For October, the 31st is a big day everyone knows about. But the 21st is a big day in the pet world, with National Fetch Day, National Reptile Day, and National Pets for Veterans Day. It also has some serious themes to be aware of, as well, in the industry, including Mental Health Day, and, of course, National Vet Tech Week.  Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? Here are some more “out of the box” holidays to showcase! No tricks, only treats!

October pet- and vet-related calendar

For October, the 31st is a big day everyone knows about. But the 21st is a big day in the pet world, with National Fetch Day, National Reptile Day, and National Pets for Veterans Day. It also has some serious themes to be aware of, as well, in the industry, including Mental Health Day, and, of course, National Vet Tech Week.  Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? Here are some more “out of the box” holidays to showcase! No tricks, only treats!

September pet-related holidays!

September marks both the end of summer with Labor Day and the beginning of fall with the Autumn equinox. Aside from seasonal dates, there are also many that recognize various animals, such as iguanas, rabbits, and deaf dogs. It also has some serious themes to be aware of, as well, in the industry.  Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? Here are some more “out of the box” pet-related holidays to showcase!

August animal-related holidays!

August isn’t just about the dog days of summer.  It’s a great month for cats, too, with National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day, as well as a few other feline-centric days.  Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? How about National Check the Chip Day? Here are some more “out of the box” holidays to showcase!

Creating a ‘Go Bag’ in Case of Emergency

We never know when Mother Nature might strike, even in areas not “known” for fires, floods, etc. That’s why we created this “Go Bag” infographics for you to use freely in your clinics for your clients. It tells them what they should pack —from food and toys to current medical records—in case of emergency. 

May pet- and vet-related calendar

May Day? There are tons of pet-related May Days all month long! From National Specially-abled Pets Day  and World Turtle Day, along with 31 days of National Service Dog Eye Examination Month  and Foster Care Month.
Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? What about recognizing some “foster fail” employees? There’s also Receptionists Day. There are many “out of the box” holidays to showcase!

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