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October pet- and vet-related holidays

Maybe this month should be dubbed Petober! There are five days just for dogs and cats, along recognition for reptiles and farm animals. Then, of course, there is a whole week just for our industry! (Get creative and recognize everyone throughout the year, of course!). Looking for social media post ideas or in-clinic promotions for your clinic? October holidays can mean a toys promotion on the 19th or consider a fun costume contest on the 31st. Spooktacular!


Every year, parts of the country are plagued by extreme heat. This year is no different. This infographic helps clients recognize the signs of heatstroke and gives tips on how to prevent it, detailing specifics that put certain pets at higher risk. Finally, it gives a look at what might happen at your practice once a pet is brought in. 

September pet-related holidays!

September signals a change in seasons and back to school, but it also recognizes various animals, such as dogs, iguanas, rabbits, and even gorillas! It also has some serious themes to be aware of, as well, in the industry.  Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? Here are some more “out of the box” holidays to showcase!

August pet-related holidays!

These pet- and vet-related holidays debut early, giving you plenty of time to arrange both in-clinic and community events to drive traffic to your practice and socials. August features National Fresh Breath Day, another way to promote dental appointments, and local outreach opportunities with Check the Chip Day and International Homeless Animals Day. Enjoy these dog — and cat days of summer!

Heatstroke is no joke–how to keep your pets cool and safe

Every year, parts of the country are plagued by extreme heat. This year is no different. This infographic helps clients recognize the signs of heatstroke and gives tips on how to prevent it, detailing specifics that put certain pets at higher risk. Finally, it gives a look at what might happen at your practice once a pet is brought in. 

May pet- and vet-related calendar

May isn’t just for moms, there are many days recognizing furry and scaled “kids” all month long! From National Specially-abled Pets Day  and World Turtle Day, along with 31 days of National Service Dog Eye Examination Month  and Foster Care Month. Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? What about recognizing some “foster fail” employees? There’s also Receptionists Day. There are many “out of the box” holidays to showcase!

May pet- and vet-related calendar

May isn’t just for moms, there are many days recognizing furry and scaled “kids” all month long! From National Specially-abled Pets Day  and World Turtle Day, along with 31 days of National Service Dog Eye Examination Month  and Foster Care Month. Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? What about recognizing some “foster fail” employees? There’s also Receptionists Day. There are many “out of the box” holidays to showcase!

Bees, spiders, and cicadas — what if my pet eats one?!

Whether it’s the newsworthy cicadas and their 2024 double brood hatching or year-round bees, sometimes a pet finds a winged creature (or an eight-legged one!) a tasty snack. This infographic helps clients know what to look for if their pet eats an insect, when not to panic, and when to make an emergency visit. 

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