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Battling the Bulge: Strategies for Managing Obesity in Veterinary Patients

In this session, attendees will review current statistics of obesity in dogs and cats including prevalence, contributing factors, and comorbidities. Sarah Wooten, DVM, CVJ, will review the endocrine and inflammatory components of obesity, as well as how to use tools to diagnose obesity. Attendees will also learn how to estimate ideal body weight, calculate RER and amount to feed to achieve ideal weight. We will also cover, important factors in weight loss diets, how to choose the right food, and how to prevent obesity in the first place. Lastly, attendees will be given a 6-step process to easily guide your clients through a successful weight loss program.

Creative ways to schedule your teams

One more consideration could be a game changer when looking at the team, efficiencies, and effectiveness when it comes to staffing: creative scheduling. Effective scheduling and staffing don’t have to be rigid. Rigidity in staffing is a cultural norm within veterinary medicine that we have all come to adopt as gospel. As managers and owners, we can step “outside of the box” we have built for ourselves and approach hiring, job descriptions, and scheduling creatively to meet the needs of both the practice and team members.  

Managing Canine Atopic Dermatitis With More Joy and Less Frustration

Valerie Fadok, DVM, PhD, Dipl ACVD, focuses on the keys to success in managing atopic dermatitis. They are developing a proactive treatment plan and providing tools to empower clients. Atopic dermatitis is a forever disease; while we can’t cure it, we can manage it well. We need to set realistic expectations with our clients, and partner with them to improve quality of life for themselves and their pets.

Unleashing the truth: challenging veterinary industry norms and embracing new opportunities

It is high time I wrote a post on what you are doing all wrong and how we can all do better. However, before you come at me for my unspeakable hubris, please understand I speak from a place of love for animals on the planet of unflinching self-recrimination. In other words, if I tell you you’re doing something misguided and stupid, it’s because I figured it out after screwing it up first—and continually do.

A Day in the Life of a Dermatologist

Participants can expect to increase their understanding and level of comfort in the diagnosis, treatment and education of clients on common and less common dermatology disorders of the dog and cat. The goal is to provide participants with a stronger base of knowledge and improve clinical outcomes for their patients.

A Day in the Life of a Dermatologist

Participants can expect to increase their understanding and level of comfort in the diagnosis, treatment and education of clients on common and less common dermatology disorders of the dog and cat. The goal is to provide participants with a stronger base of knowledge and improve clinical outcomes for their patients.

First National Pet Choking Prevention Day announced

The National Pet Choking Prevention Day campaign’s focus is to spread education to veterinarian professionals and pet owners about the everyday pet choking hazards around the home, the shocking statistics of how common (and avoidable) pet choking is, and the simple, yet important, ways we can come together to help eliminate these risks for beloved pets.

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