Kathleen Cooney

Challenging Euthanasias: Case review and Preventing Dysthanasia

In this session: Kathleen Cooney, DVM, CHPV, CCFP, DACAW, explores euthanasia cases and looks at how pet owners and veterinarians define a good death experience. She discusses what is ideal compared to what is considered a dysthanasia, the opposite of a good death. The presentation then looks at determining how best to address dysthanasias when they happen, aiming to protect the mental health of pet owners and the veterinary team.

Euthanasia Without Pain: It Can Be Done

In this session: Kathleen Cooney, DVM, CHPV, CCFP, and the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA) lays the foundation for a pain-free passing each and every time. Special focus given to dogs and cats, though subthemes will emerge for all species. Let’s say “goodbye” to pain during death.

End of Life e-book — VPN Plus+ exclusive

VPN Plus+ is pleased to present our members with the following complimentary End of Life e-book dedicated to offering a focused look at this very challenging time for both staff and clients. It also includes a webinar broadcast and an infographic for clients.

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