

Every year, parts of the country are plagued by extreme heat. This year is no different. This infographic helps clients recognize the signs of heatstroke and gives tips on how to prevent it, detailing specifics that put certain pets at higher risk. Finally, it gives a look at what might happen at your practice once a pet is brought in. 

Heatstroke is no joke–how to keep your pets cool and safe

Every year, parts of the country are plagued by extreme heat. This year is no different. This infographic helps clients recognize the signs of heatstroke and gives tips on how to prevent it, detailing specifics that put certain pets at higher risk. Finally, it gives a look at what might happen at your practice once a pet is brought in. 

Bees, spiders, and cicadas — what if my pet eats one?!

Whether it’s the newsworthy cicadas and their 2024 double brood hatching or year-round bees, sometimes a pet finds a winged creature (or an eight-legged one!) a tasty snack. This infographic helps clients know what to look for if their pet eats an insect, when not to panic, and when to make an emergency visit. 

Bees, spiders, and cicadas — what if my pet eats one?!

Whether it’s the newsworthy cicadas and their 2024 double brood hatching or year-round bees, sometimes a pet finds a winged creature (or an eight-legged one!) a tasty snack. This infographic helps clients know what to look for if their pet eats an insect, when not to panic, and when to make an emergency visit. 

Bees, spiders, and cicadas — what if my pet eats one?!

Whether it’s the newsworthy cicadas and their 2024 double brood hatching or year-round bees, sometimes a pet finds a winged creature (or an eight-legged one!) a tasty snack. This infographic helps clients know what to look for if their pet eats an insect, when not to panic, and when to make an emergency visit. 

Photography tips to get those picture perfect pets!

Pets are family, and that often means including them on holiday cards. With so many sites allowing you to customize your cards, that part is easy — what’s often tricky is mastering some “shutterpug” skills with pets. That’s where this infographic comes in — photography tips to help clients get the right shot; even before they pick up their cameras/phones.

Creating a ‘Go Bag’ in Case of Emergency

We never know when Mother Nature might strike, even in areas not “known” for fires, floods, etc. That’s why we created this “Go Bag” infographics for you to use freely in your clinics for your clients. It tells them what they should pack —from food and toys to current medical records—in case of emergency. 

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