Human Resources

FTC noncompete ban: A vet’s perspective

Veterinarians can now freely transition between employers or start their own practices without the fear of legal repercussions. This change opens a range of career opportunities, including full-time roles, part-time engagements, and gig work.

Tackling veterinary school debt

With the financial strains of pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine, several loan repayment plans and loan forgiveness programs can help minimize debt and even help eliminate it altogether after a term period.

What vet medicine can take out of a military playbook

Over the past decade or so I’ve witnessed the rising popularity of a practice style I’ve snarkily termed “frogmarched” vet care; To force (someone) to walk forward by holding and pinning their arms from behind.

In its most effective manifestation, clients are shuttled through a scripted process involving rapid-fire assessments and minimal human interaction. The goal is to increase productivity and maximize profitability by minimizing time-consuming client-staff interactions. In this way, patients are attended more …

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