Featured Stories

A look at prostheses for exotics

The story of Cookie, a 10-year-old male red-footed tortoise, showcases the necessity for specialized solutions for a broader range of species, illustrating a vital shift in animal welfare.

You’re My Hero: Smoke Inhalation

In this session: Picture the scene—the door to the treatment room opens….a fireman in full gear walks in, carrying a cat in his arms, oxygen mask held to its face. This everyday hero has saved the patient from the fire, but now it’s up to you! Karen M. Roach, RVT, VTS (ECC) addresses the following: What damage can be caused from smoke inhalation and thermal burns? What can you expect to see? What do you monitor for? What will you be treating for? What are the chances you can save this patient?

How to make your lab work for you

Laboratory testing, when combined with a thorough history and proper physical examination, contributes to forming a correct diagnosis. This improves medical care for the patient as we are treating a known (proper diagnosis) versus an unknown (suspected diagnosis or simply clinical signs and symptoms,) and easily increases practice profitability without the need to simply try to find ways to “increase the bill.”

How to make your lab work for you

Laboratory testing, when combined with a thorough history and proper physical examination, contributes to forming a correct diagnosis. This improves medical care for the patient as we are treating a known (proper diagnosis) versus an unknown (suspected diagnosis or simply clinical signs and symptoms,) and easily increases practice profitability without the need to simply try to find ways to “increase the bill.”

August pet-related holidays!

These pet- and vet-related holidays debut early, giving you plenty of time to arrange both in-clinic and community events to drive traffic to your practice and socials. August features National Fresh Breath Day, another way to promote dental appointments, and local outreach opportunities with Check the Chip Day and International Homeless Animals Day. Enjoy these dog — and cat days of summer!

Linking livestock welfare and veterinary medicine

Fear Free adds livestock management techniques to its curriculum, overseen by Temple Grandin, PhD, director of animal well-being. Dr. Grandin, professor of animal science at CSU, hopes Fear Free training will help encourage interest in the field, as well as continue to increase productivity and improve animal welfare.

Linking livestock welfare and veterinary medicine

Fear Free adds livestock management techniques to its curriculum, overseen by Temple Grandin, PhD, director of animal well-being. Dr. Grandin, professor of animal science at CSU, hopes Fear Free training will help encourage interest in the field, as well as continue to increase productivity and improve animal welfare.

Feline Acute Kidney Injury

In this session: Acute kidney injury (AKI) in a cat can be a devastating condition. Ashlie Saffire, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (Feline Practice), reviews the causes of AKI, its diagnosis and distinguishing differences from chronic kidney disease, and how to develop a treatment plan. We will also work through some example cases that can be used for future reference.

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