
Khuly sold to a corporation!

I’m still getting used to this strange bedfellow of ours. What’s more, I’m not quite sure what to make of the fact I can’t manage to despise it yet. Never in a million years would I have predicted the relative equanimity I’ve experienced throughout this process. After all, as anyone who has caught any part of my decades-long writing career can attest, I’ve carefully nurtured a poisonous aversion to corporate takeovers in veterinary medicine.

ARE we all on the same team?

For so many of us to have the same mutual goal, we could not be farther apart in our ideals of how we should be working together in our profession. All of us are witness to this every day. From in the clinic to social media platforms, some days are a battlefield and leave us licking our wounds at the end of the day, ultimately questioning our want to stay in the field.

Selling services without being a used car salesperson

Used car salespeople get a bad rap. We all know they are just trying to make a living, but that does not keep almost every young veterinarian from invoking this simile when faced with the prospect of proposing expensive pet care. They find it hard to shake the feeling price may determine whether a patient lives or dies—we all do.

Selling services without being a used car salesperson

Used car salespeople get a bad rap. We all know they are just trying to make a living, but that does not keep almost every young veterinarian from invoking this simile when faced with the prospect of proposing expensive pet care. They find it hard to shake the feeling price may determine whether a patient lives or dies—we all do.

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