
February pet- and vet-related calendar

Forget summer, February is the time full of dog days, from Walk Your Dog Day to National Dog Biscuit Day. Other pets get some love, too, and did you know there’s a National Polar Bear Day? VPN Plus+ created this marketing piece for you to use freely in your clinics to provide your staff with fun ideas for in-clinic mixers, photo contests, or social medial posts.

January pet- and vet-related calendar

Welcome to 2024, the Year of the Dragon, which also has its own appreciation day this month! Peanut butter, which has its own day, makes the list, too though dogs enjoy it 365. The month also highlights dressing pets up and traveling with pets. 

December pet- and vet-related calendar

The first day of winter, Christmas, Hannukah, and Kwanzaa come to mind quickly for dates to remember in December, but there are some animal-related ones, too. Mutts, horses, and zoo animals each have their own day, as does ugly sweaters. What a perfect in-clinic mixer or photo opportunity on socials with both two- and four-legged friends showing off their “ugly” look!

November pet- and vet-related calendar

When it comes to animals during November, turkeys are likely to first come to mind. But this is also the month that highlights groomers, senior pets and animal shelters. Consider doing a cross promotion for referrals at a local grooming salon or recognizing veterinarians and staff who have served our country, along with your clients. Bonus: if you work with wildlife, consider Guy “Hawkes’ Day on the 5th as a riff on that holiday.

October pet- and vet-related calendar

For October, the 31st is a big day everyone knows about. But the 21st is a big day in the pet world, with National Fetch Day, National Reptile Day, and National Pets for Veterans Day. It also has some serious themes to be aware of, as well, in the industry, including Mental Health Day, and, of course, National Vet Tech Week.  Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? Here are some more “out of the box” holidays to showcase! No tricks, only treats!

October pet- and vet-related calendar

For October, the 31st is a big day everyone knows about. But the 21st is a big day in the pet world, with National Fetch Day, National Reptile Day, and National Pets for Veterans Day. It also has some serious themes to be aware of, as well, in the industry, including Mental Health Day, and, of course, National Vet Tech Week.  Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? Here are some more “out of the box” holidays to showcase! No tricks, only treats!

September pet-related holidays!

September marks both the end of summer with Labor Day and the beginning of fall with the Autumn equinox. Aside from seasonal dates, there are also many that recognize various animals, such as iguanas, rabbits, and deaf dogs. It also has some serious themes to be aware of, as well, in the industry.  Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? Here are some more “out of the box” pet-related holidays to showcase!

August animal-related holidays!

August isn’t just about the dog days of summer.  It’s a great month for cats, too, with National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day, as well as a few other feline-centric days.  Looking for social media post ideas or promotions for your clinic? How about National Check the Chip Day? Here are some more “out of the box” holidays to showcase!

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