Nearly 150 exotic animals surrendered by Michigan animal dealer

A photo of ting-tailed lemur mother and pup used to promote the exotic animal dealer. Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Justice

Nearly 150 exotic animals, including ring-tailed lemurs, kinkajous, wallabies, porcupines, foxes, prairie dogs and ground squirrels, were surrendered by a Michigan animal dealer after alleged violation of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and Endangered Species Act (ESA).

According to a statement released by the Office of the Public Affairs, the U.S Department of Justice has entered a consent decree in federal court with Zachery Keeler to resolve allegations in a complaint that Keeler violated ESA and AWA. Keeler, who was operating under the name Even Keel Exotics LLC, also agreed to never buy, sell or otherwise engage in commerce related to animals regulated under AWA, and to not apply for AWA licensing or registration.

“The Animal Welfare Act and the Endangered Species Act are important tools in protecting our most vulnerable species,” says assistant attorney general Todd Kim of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division. “Even Keel Exotics violated requirements for minimum care of the animals in its possession, failed to provide required access to inspectors and illegally harmed a baby lemur, a protected endangered species.”

A photo of a baby ring-tailed lemur used to promote Even Keel Exotics. Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Justice

The complaint alleges the Michigan animal dealer of violating ESA by unlawfully and prematurely separating a baby ring-tailed lemur from its mother to interact with the public, then tried to sell the endangered species for $3500. Keeler also allegedly violated the AWA by not providing potable water as needed, safe and sanitary conditions and facilities for his animals, or access to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) inspectors for the health and wellbeing of the exotic animals.

“APHIS is committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for animals protected under the Animal Welfare Act,” said deputy administrator Roxanne Mullaney, DVM, for APHIS’ Animal Care Program. “This includes undertaking aggressive enforcement action against repeat, egregious violators of the law and working closely with APHIS partners to ensure AWA compliance.”

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