Humane society reps in Tulsa accused of unlawful euthanasia of shelter dogs

Two representatives from the Humane Society of Tulsa (HST) have been summoned to appear before the state’s board after allegations of illegally euthanizing 11 dogs at a no-kill shelter in Grove, Okla.

Gina Garner, HST president, and Lawrence DePriest, a veterinary assistant, are alleged to have violated the Oklahoma Veterinary Practice Act by unlawfully practicing veterinary medicine by administering euthanasia drugs without the direction and supervision of a licensed veterinarian, KSN 16 reports.

The “unlawful” incident happened on July 5th at the Second Chance Pet Rescue, when the shelter was under the care of interim managers. The shelter staff and volunteers report being upset about what they saw, witnessing “the interim manager and [Depriest] grab two dogs out of a kennel, give them each and injection in the backside, grab them by the scruff of their neck and tail and throw them back in the kennels and shut the door.” The witness further report watching “the [two] dogs get ‘loopy,’ fall on their side, and foam at the mouth,” the complaint states.

This action was contrary to the shelter’s no-kill policy and the expectations of Second Chance Pet Rescue of Garner and DePriest to “provide training” and “help with vaccinations.”

Investigation is still ongoing for the general allegations filed against Garner and DePriest, which includes witnesses reporting “dogs that were still alive after being placed in plastic bags,” “abuse, cruelty, or inhumane treatment of dogs,” according to the complaint.

The hearing is set on Dec. 1st in Oklahoma City. For more information, click here.

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