Data-driven digital platform supports proactive pet care

Encouraging important client-vet conversations in the practice is the main focus of a new data-driven online platform.

Launched by Nationwide, the Pet HealthZone is a free site where owners can sign up to access information about their animal companions. Upon entering a pet’s name, breed, and age, users can access age- and breed-specific insights and trivial information, along with a health and care guide.

“As veterinary professionals, we know there’s a lot of pet health information out there; however, pet families coming to us with the results of internet searches or what they’ve seen on social media may not always set us up for the most productive conversations,” says Nationwide’s chief veterinary officer and vice president of pet health, Jules Benson, BVSc, MRCVS.

The pet health insurance company hopes the service will provide data-informed knowledge to pet owners and, ultimately, help with organic, in-practice conversations on at-home monitoring. Specifically, the approach aims to help owners spot early signs of illness and get timely veterinary care.

“Imagine [pet owners] being able to leverage data from millions of pets from veterinary clinics across the country,” Dr. Benson says. “Clients can come into the exam room with accurate information about their pets’ specific health risks and look to you for help in catching and treating those health issues early.”

For more information, click here.

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