Author name: therese_castillo

Florida vet imposter arrested after causing dog’s death

A Florida dog groomer who posed as a veterinarian has been arrested after a Chihuahua he performed a caesarean section on died post-surgery.

The illicit procedure happened on May 18, according to a Facebook post made by the Collier County Sheriff’s Office. The six-year-old Chihuahua, Sugar, was having difficulty delivering puppies when her owners contacted Osvaldo Sanchez, a man who had been previously been introduced to them as a veterinarian.

According to …

Claw your way out of feline biases

“When it comes right down to it, it is our job to make sure cat owners understand the basics of feline healthcare. Unfortunately, that is a platform I believe we have long since abdicated (if ever we claimed it) in our almighty hunt for the low-hanging fruit that is the dog-dedicated dollar.”

Toolkit, policies on spectrum of care sought by AVMA delegates

Spectrum of care is critical to expanding veterinary care accessibility and increasing client compliance.

This point was further focused on by the AVMA House of Delegates (HOD) during their recently concluded Veterinary Information Forum (VIF) in Denver, Colorado.

Educating veterinary students and professionals, establishing policies, and providing resources on spectrum of care are among the suggestions the AVMA HOD vote to be referred to the AVMA Board of Directors (BOD) for consideration, …

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