Author name: samantha_ashenhurst

Do routine, elective gonadectomies really increase dogs’ lifespan?

Many studies have reported a consistent association between canines being gonadectomized and longer average lifespan—several months to two years longer in females, and none to over a year longer in males. However, the methodology of these studies should be carefully assessed before accepting that the association between being gonadectomized and lifespan reflects a causal relationship.

Southeast U.S. “hotbed” for heartworms, warns AHS

An influx of heartworm-positive dogs across the U.S. and a general lack of prevention compliance are the driving factors behind the uptick in heartworm cases.

This is according to the American Heartworm Society (AHS). The group has unveiled its 2022 Heartworm Incidence Map, drawn from data provided by thousands of veterinary practices and shelters across the U.S.

The numbers show the locales with highest heartworm incidence continue to be those in and …

Tips to Facilitate Effective Weight-Loss Conversations

Weight-loss programs that focus on traditional caloric restriction and physical activity may not be appropriate or successful for all families. Incorporating strategies that enhance and support the family-pet relationship can help you create a customized—and successful—plan.

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