Canine longevity drug launches in a clinical trial

Boo, an 11-year-old whippet, is the recipient of the first dose of life-extending drug LOY-002. Photo courtesy John Poisson.

Prolonging the vibrant years of senior dogs could soon become a reality with the launch of a life-extension drug for canines.

Loyal, a biotech company pioneering longevity drugs for dogs, has announced it has dosed the first dog in its STAY study, the pivotal clinical trial for its LOY-002 drug to extend the healthy lifespan of senior dogs and maintain their quality of life as they age. An 11-year-old whippet named Boo is the first participating dog to be dosed in this study.

According to Boo’s owner, Deb Hanna, the whippet still competes in a dog sport called scent work and “loves having something to do.” “That’s one of the reasons I enrolled him,” says Hanna. “It could help other dogs, including my younger dogs someday. It’s very important. I think anybody that has an older dog that could participate would jump at the chance.”

Boo is enrolled at the Animal Hospital of Dauphin County (AHDC) in Harrisburg, PA, for the STAY study, the pivotal clinical trial for the life-extension drug LOY-002. Photo courtesy John Poisson.

The STAY study aims to yield effectiveness and field safety data, essential for the company’s U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval application. It is conducted in partnership with more than 50 independent veterinary clinics nationwide and over 1,000 pet dogs.

Loyal is concurrently seeking an FDA conditional approval for the drug, which could make LOY-002 available through veterinarians as early as 2025, while the lifespan extension study runs in parallel and is expected to continue for four years.

“This is a massive undertaking that wouldn’t be possible without the partnership of the many veterinarians and technicians operating the study in their clinics, and the participating dogs and owners helping advance therapies for all dogs,” says Loyal CEO Celine Halioua.

Loyal will also build a longitudinal biobank of saliva and blood samples from participating dogs to aids in its research into improving longevity in dogs—and ultimately humans, too.

Participating veterinary clinics and animal hospitals across the country will begin enrolling dogs over the coming months.

“I’m genuinely excited to be able to share what we’ve seen as a life-changing product to dogs of all sizes,” says Coby Rudakewiz, DVM. “This is what it’s all about—keeping dogs feeling their best to enjoy a long life with their owners who love them.” Dr. Rudakewiz is the STAY study investigator at the Animal Hospital of Dauphin County (AHDC) in Harrisburg, PA, where Boo is enrolled

Dr. Rudakewiz and Boo. Photos courtesy John Poisson.

LOY-002 is being developed to improve the dogs’ metabolic health to delay the onset and reduce the impact of age-associated diseases. The drug will be delivered as a daily beef-flavored pill, prescribed by veterinarians and designed for dogs 10 years or older and weighing at least 14 pounds.

Last year, Loyal shared the news about the initial FDA acceptance of its LOY-001 drug targeted to extending the lifespan in large-breed dogs. This announcement on LOY-002 now expands the canine population eligible for the company product to senior dogs of small breeds.

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