Supporting veterinary mentors focus of new certification program

The MentorVet team (from left): Ellen Turner, director of Partnerships and Outreach; Addie Reinhard, DVM, MS, founder and CEO; Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT, director of MentorVet Tech, and Danielle Alleman, DVM, director of MentorVet Connect. Photo courtesy MentorVet

Supporting and growing mentors within the veterinary community is the force behind an upcoming certification program.

To be launched by MentorVet on Jan. 28th, MentorVet Lift is an evidence-based mentor certificate program open to individuals in the veterinary profession interested in mentoring, gaining peer support, and learning skills to create and evaluate intentional mentorship structures. The program will consist of self-paced online learning, monthly facilitated peer support meetings, and a culminating project.

“Having now conducted over four years of research in mentorship and veterinary well-being, we are so excited to be able to offer a robust mentor certificate program to the veterinary community,” says Addie Reinhard, DVM, MS, CEO of MentorVet. Further, Dr. Reinhard shares the program aims to fill a “gap” in the industry by supporting veterinary mentors to make “mentorship even more impactful.”

The program will be pilot with “MentorVet Lift for VMAE,” which will be a partnership with the Veterinary Medical Association Executives (VMAE). In this inauguration, executive and elected leaders from several veterinary associations will go through the program together with a specific focus on supporting individuals within organized veterinary medicine.

To learn more about the program, click here.

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