AAHA announces enhanced digital benchmarking platform now free for all members

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) has partnered with Chewy Health to provide its comprehensive analytics platform, AAHA Benchmarking+, free to all members and practices using certain Chewy Health tools.
This cloud-based platform replaces AAHA’s printed Vital Stats series in direct response to feedback from AAHA’s members. When practices connect their PIMS to AAHA Benchmarking+, the platform applies advanced data standardization processes to match data to internal catalogs rooted in the AAHA Chart of Accounts and securely transform practice data into live and actionable information to take practices to the next level.
“Chewy Health is proud to partner with and support AAHA in its mission to simplify the journey towards veterinary excellence,” says Mita Malhotra, President of Chewy Health. “By empowering practices with an in-depth view into their client engagement, medical care, and business performance, the platform offers more opportunities to make actionable improvements in every aspect of their businesses.”
AAHA Benchmarking+ offers one-of-a-kind features that give practices the necessary context to make changes that help save time, increase revenue, and improve patient care, the organization reports. The SPOTlight dashboards focus on four categories: sales revenue, producer performance, opportunities, and trends in medicine which each aid in identifying trends, spotting potential concerns early, and consistently improving the standard of care provided. The FIDO dashboards, the latest addition to the platform, include: fee reference, inventory, doctor opportunities, and optimized employee health. These dashboards help break down employee wellbeing to help optimize the team more effectively as well as providing insight into finances to ensure practices are pricing competitively and consistently.
“Success in the veterinary profession extends beyond individual practices,” said AAHA CEO, Garth Jordan. “Harnessing the power of community data breaks down silos, highlights best practices, and allows more practices to simplify their journey towards excellence in veterinary medicine.”
AAHA Benchmarking+ is now free to all AAHA members as well as practices using Chewy Health tools such as PracticeHub.
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