August 2024

Basics of Triage and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Zoological Companion Animals

In this session: Do you have a fear of the emergency rabbit, bearded dragon, or parrot? Sarah Ozawa, DVM, Dipl. ACZM, goes over basic principles of triage and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in exotics/zoological companion animal (ZCA) species. You will gain information and tools to help you feel more comfortable handling initial triage in these species. Additionally, Dr. Ozawa discusses similarities (which are many!) and differences to CPR in ZCA species highlighting anatomic and physiologic differences between small mammals, reptiles, and birds.

Lightening up the conversation on obesity

The perceived resistance of clients in discussing obesity is mostly rooted in how veterinary professionals decide to approach the conversation. Fortunately, research tells us how we can increase the odds of pet owner compliance.

Unmasking allergy mimickers

When evaluating challenging allergy cases, it is important to keep in mind there are several, nonallergic skin diseases that can mimic the clinical signs of allergies and may require very different treatment plans.

Unmasking allergy mimickers

When evaluating challenging allergy cases, it is important to keep in mind there are several, nonallergic skin diseases that can mimic the clinical signs of allergies and may require very different treatment plans.

Dilution Is the Solution

Discover the most comprehensive line of therapeutic diets formulated to dilute urine and to support your patient’s urinary health.

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