August 2024

Guttural Pouch Disease in the Equine Patient

Shana Filipek, CVT, VTS (EVN) guides participants on the anatomy and function of the guttural pouches, giving them a deeper understanding of their role in equine physiology. From there, she delves into the various types of guttural pouch diseases, including examining their etiology, clinical presentations, and treatment options.

Failing to pass the NAVLE: What happens next?

If you fail the NAVLE, you do not get a veterinary license. Period. In some states, you can secure a temporary or conditional license until you do pass (you get five tries in five years and can appeal to get one more try thereafter). In others, you can practice only under direct supervision while technically without an active license.

ARE we all on the same team?

For so many of us to have the same mutual goal, we could not be farther apart in our ideals of how we should be working together in our profession. All of us are witness to this every day. From in the clinic to social media platforms, some days are a battlefield and leave us licking our wounds at the end of the day, ultimately questioning our want to stay in the field.

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