May 2023

Chemotherapy Induced Sepsis 

Danielle DeCormier, LVT, VTS (Oncology), CFE, goes into detail about sepsis brought on from chemotherapy. It delves into how chemotherapy works on the cells of the body, specifically the white blood cells. It details symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as how to prevent a second episode.

Understanding canine vaccines: What is ‘core’ and ‘non-core’?

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) recently released its 2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines.1 This resource is incredibly comprehensive (almost any question you might have related to vaccination is addressed!), contains resources for veterinary team members and pet owners, and assists with preventive care. Perhaps the most important question raised in the updated guidelines is: “Should we be re-thinking what we consider ‘core vaccines’ for individual patients?” Spoiler alert: the answer is yes.

‘Core’ …

How to make online reviews work for you

Online reviews are essential to every business, and veterinary clinics are not exempt. Many practices know the majority of their clients are driven through emergent care appointments by frantic or concerned pet owners who see a change in behavior or health and need to get on the schedule as soon as possible.

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